Leadership and Power

My passion in the study of philosophy is to read Michael Foucault. The study of the relation between subject and power is the force that shaped the last 3,000 years of human history. Covered by the values ​​and discourses of each epoch, the relation between subject...

New Year, guilt, promises and reality

We begin the new year full of new hopes. This is horrible. It sucks really. Despite the prolonged holiday, there is no change in reality. Change the digits, a new folder is opened in income tax, but there is no real and effective change in the universe, in nature or...

Floral theraphy, homeopathy and card games

Attention and memory are two topics of the moment fashion. Especially when it comes to human development. Be it in infancy, in the school period, in the stress of adulthood or in the period of senescence. Attention and memory are two themes of my agenda. In general,...

The Mind

The Mind has some tricks to work well. A mente tem alguns macetes para funcionar bem. The mind is the result of several neuropsychological mechanisms working in synchrony. We perceive it as a thought in a second or a third plane in the space of attention directed...


Often we come across people who, by life’s purpose or personal choices, find themselves in difficult situations. People who can be loved or not, but who tend to stretch out their hands to help and collaborate as much as possible. As a psychologist, this...