The reason, discussion, and truth
There is almost a consensus in the sciences of today: Reality is a CULTURAL NEURO convention. That is, an agreement, almost collective, of half terms of what the brains are producing for this world.
The perception of reality, neurological / cultural, goes through great variations from individual to individual, leaving us with a part in common with the great majority, very small. That is, the reality varies from individual to individual. This is curious because, from this point of view, believing oneself as the bearer of a truth or a reality is the first step to an error. For it will be its reality and only its What we have, in fact, is, at most, an idiosyncratic (peculiar) reading of lived collectively (reality?) Is common agreement among all.

One of the good and great things I learned in the office is what, after copying from my teacher, I called the rule of 20. It works simply:
- Each side has 20% reason in the reading of reality (and therefore in reason). So, it’s true 40% of reality on each side. The other 60% should and must be negotiated.
In this negotiation it is necessary to recognize that the other side has 20% reason and, therefore, its side has 20%. And both need to be recognized as reason and taken into account in the decision of the other 60%.
Anything outside this is imposition (law and dogma) or judgment (the function of judge and arbiter in the exercise of their profession).