Waking up in the morning and getting up well, with ease and full of courage is a dream of many people. Of course, being able to do this every day is practically impossible. But, some simple habits can help you achieve the morning mood you need to cope in the mornings more lively.

1 – Calm down

After an entire day away from home, we arrived at the end of the day with an agenda of household chores, hobbies, children, movies, books, friends, wine, food, lots of things that stayed home waiting for the day to be enjoyed and lived at the end of the day. No matter how important the activity is, no matter how pleasurable it may be. Stop all tasks at least an hour before going to bed. Have a nice hot bath. Lie down on the bed and, so that your brain does not bother you when your head rests on your pillow, write down the ideas, tasks, reflections, dialogues you plan for the next day, or review from the previous days.

Not exactly a diary. It’s more of a final paper catharsis of your day. Avoid thoughts of much guilt, avoid thoughts and ideas too full of energy. Try, with writing, to transcribe these thoughts clearly so they can be used in the future.

The conditioning of thinking about problems and solutions at bedtime is the biggest result of insomnia and the difficulty of starting sleep. It causes restlessness and poor sleep quality. When we move to the role, we can see clearly which are the thoughts that are valid and which are only neuroses that can be left aside.

Thus, as the days go by, the conditioning process itself wipes away the list of thoughts and over time, the habit of ruminating before bedtime will disappear.

After the list, which should last between 15 and 20 minutes, read a quiet novel. Avoid exciting books, hectic books, get a book that you do not need to commit to deeply. That you can read 2 or 3 pages without paying much attention and sleeping while reading.

While reading, try to take deep, slow breaths and, without getting too involved with the story, try counting 5 seconds to fill the lung deeply and 5 seconds to empty it. Try to stay 4 to 5 seconds with the lung empty. The breath should be absolutely slow and deep.

The sum of the warm bath, written catharsis, and reading with relaxation should induce a deeper and more relaxed sleep. That takes practice, it may not work the first day. But gradually, over the first few weeks, it creates a pattern of prepare to rest that will help the brain to go to sleep. Perfection will come with a month of practice, two months depending on breaks in routines on weekends.

2 – Walk

No matter how much physical activity you do or how much medicine you take, walking is one of the best remedies for mental health. Walking induces the body to produce optimal amount of endorphin (neither too much nor too little), induces serotonin production, decreases anxiety, mental agitation and glutathione. Walking helps with digestion, better breathing, helps regulate and strengthen cardiovascular muscles, increases libido, and if done outdoors, expands horizons and teaches you to trust your own legs.

If you can not take an hour a day to walk, walk as much as you can. Walk around the office, find people instead of phoning, walk to places instead of driving. The wand teaches your body that you are able to stand on your own legs, able to handle things.

On weekends, climb mountains, walk in the park, walk around the lake, visit friends on foot. Teach your body what our ancestors taught 40,000 years ago: you can cross the world on your own legs.

With 6 to 11 miles of walks accumulated throughout the day (yes, getting up to go to market, get a pizza, take a walk on the court with the kids, take the dog for a walk …) the brain will be ready to deliver you calmer by the end of the day.

3 – Intimacy

If you are married, have children, family, live with friends, live alone, it does not matter, seek intimacy. They can be kisses in the mouth (with partners of course !!), hugs, conversations, slaps in the ass, whatever. Seek physical intimacy. Sit with the children to watch a movie or series (choose a family series), all together on the couch, little friends, hugging each other. Recalling the cave times, where everyone warmed around the campfire.
If you’re not married, you live alone, you’re in the worst, do not kiss your lips for centuries, no problem. Create this space for yourself. Go to the market and buy some tea that pleases you (avoid caffeinated beverages, avoid chewing). Sit in your favorite armchair (do not go to the room yet) with a good (now a good book, that can get you excited, Michael Foucault, for example), embrace your book by drinking good tea. If you do not like reading, learn to like. Start with Comics, Batman, Spider-Man, Calvin, Garfield.

Create a space of intimacy and warmth that will make you and the people around you feel protected and welcomed.

4 – Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine.

Throughout the day do not drink alcoholic beverages, they deceive the brain, pretending that you are full of dopamine and that all is well, when in fact you are a bagasse, full of cortisol and stress. Not really, leave alcohol for the holidays and certain days of drunkenness. The worst thing you can do for yourself is getting used to the daily wine tastings or the wisky little wisps and daily beers.

Caffeinated drinks are great partners for a good morning. The smell of fresh coffee on a cold morning is priceless! Soon, a good black coffee or milk, in the morning interval a good capucino. This helps raise morale. An after-lunch expresion is a gift. And, it is! But after 2:00 pm, nothing more than caffeine. Be rigid in this rule. Caffeine after 14h is just to be mixed with alcohol on holiday days. Caffeine is a constricting, stimulating and diuretic vessel, a great drink to introduce you to the day, but lousy to help you sleep.

5 – Program yourself with intelligence

Nobody here is silly, if you make a difficult and conflicted agenda to start the day. If you put the most uncomfortable activities in the early hours of the day, then getting up will be a pain. Organize each day so that the most difficult activity is between 10 and 17 hours. Thus, you will have time to start the day and time to calmly end the day. If this is not possible for every day, try to schedule for most of them.