An old argument among philosophers is the question between the rational world and the sensible world. The fight that has lasted for almost 2 millennia without reaching a conclusion of which of the two should be taken as the most reliable source for the understanding of things.
In the practice of life, we tend to make a choice: some people believe and take as the guiding reference of life the though (whether or not it is logical), other people choose the feelings and emotions for that role (perfect????).
Both bring benefits and also difficulties.
A person who is overly guided by thoughts can be deceived by them, as is the case of people suffering from Anxiety Disorders or Psychotic Disorders. But it can also, as a side effect, bring some emotional distance from its peers, losing empathy and the ability to fully connect with others. But in another instance, it can be a person with more clarity in decision making, more firmness and, control over the goals of life.
People who take the feelings and emotions as a reference for the conduct of life can become a little tolerant of frustration. Letting themselves be guided by their feelings, they bring their emotional reactions to fire and fire, reacting with intensities different from those expected for the cultural space in which they find themselves. They lose the ability to be assertive. Depressed patients often succumb to negative emotions, losing the ability to deal with the practical things in life.
Reality is, for the human being involved in the culture, something unattainable, just like nature. Therefore, the best posture is, of course, the middle posture between the two poles. Such is the balance between emotional reference and thought, between the sensible and the rational world.

Pensamentos, sentimentos e realidades
Uma velha discussão entre os filósofos é a questão entre o mundo racional e o mundo sensível. A briga que se estende há praticamente 2 milênios sem chegar a uma conclusão de, qual dos dois, deve ser levado como fonte mais fidedigna para o entendimento das coisas.
Na prática, tendemos a fazer uma escolha: algumas pessoas acreditam e tiram como referência norteadora da vida, o pensamento (seja ele lógico ou não), outras pessoas escolhem as sensações e emoções para esse papel.
Ambos trazem benefícios e também dificuldades.
A pessoa que se guia demais pelos pensamentos pode acabar enganada por eles, como é o caso de quem sofre de Transtornos da Ansiedade ou de Transtornos Psicóticos. Mas, também pode, como efeito colateral, se distanciar emocionalmente de seus pares, perdendo a empatia e a capacidade de se relacionar plenamente. Mas, em outra instância, pode ser uma pessoa com mais clareza nas tomadas de decisão, mais firmeza e controle frente aos objetivos da vida.
As pessoas que tomam os sentimentos e emoções como referência para a condução da vida podem tornar-se pouco tolerantes a frustação. Deixando-se guiar pelos sentimentos, levam as reações corporais emocionais a ferro e fogo, reagindo com intensidades diferentes das esperadas para o espaço cultural em que se encontram. Perdem assim, a capacidade de ser assertivo. Os pacientes deprimidos, com frequência sucumbem às emoções negativas, perdendo a capacidade de lidar com as coisas práticas da vida.
A realidade é, para o ser humano envolvido na cultura, algo inatingível, assim como a natureza. Portanto, a melhor postura é, claro, a do meio termo entre os dois polos. O tal do equilíbrio entre a referência emocional e o pensamento, entre o mundo sensível e o racional.
I agree that learning to keep emotions in check is key to living a balanced life and reducing anxiety.
I’m one of those people that lets my feelings control my life. I’m working on bringing more balance to my life, but haven’t been successful yet!
this is such a neat post, i like how you write too!
I believe our thoughts and feelings definitely tie into eachother but its important that we learn how to control everything.
Gosto muito de ler este post! Faz-me pensar muito… parabens!
I am the emotional type – I am trying to keep it cool but doesn’t always happen unfortunately.
I definitely find myself to lack assertiveness and be less confident of my decisions with my anxiety and depression.
Nice Post!
I am fueled a lot by my emotions. I know this is not always a healthy way to be, but how I just have been. This is a great read on that and finding the balance.
Such a great read. I agree we should learn how to control our emotions and not always let go of it. It’s easier said but can be done if you tried.
This is an awesome post! Emotions vs. Reason…As you said both should be kept in check and should be balanced at all time.
emotions should not control my life, I agree. being emotional is a pro sometimes but it should only stay when it is beneficial
So much good info here! Thank you so much for writing this and sharing this information!
People often say i wear on my feelings on my face. I’d rather say what I feel and think than bottle up. It has always been me and I believe it is helping me. Going for emotional intelligence is also helping. I love this!
It’s not always easy to control your thoughts and emotions and I believe you need to find balance between control and letting them go at times.
I used to be controlled by emotions. Now I have learned to not let that happen anymore.
Always looking to add more balance into my day to day things. More so when it comes to spending time with family and friends.
The one who can control their mind and walk the tightrope situations can win everything in this world.
This is super awesome post about the emotions, felling and realities!!!
Emotions should not run your life but it is really hard sometimes to control them. Anyways, I loved this post it was very interesting to read.
Couldn’t agree more with you! Sometimes I listen to my instincts and take decisions. I don’t like following other people’s life lessons as I think circumstances varies from person to person!
There are things that is easier said than done. Being emotional is not a choice. But putting it aside is not impossible if needed.
I agree with this so much. Sometimes it is for our own good. Emotions are also important to us, we should know when to be affectionate and if it is worth it.
It’s hard to decide if the rational or the sensible world is the most reliable source for understanding things. Some people like to rationalize their feelings while others use their emotions as a guidance. A you mentioned, it’s important to find the balance between the sensible and the rational world.
So true.. We shouldn’t let our emotions control us, our decisions in life.. The way we feel at night.. And so on.. 😊
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
Yes, overthinking leads to anxiety disorders. Short but excellent post! Loved reading it
As a woman I am always remind that being emotional is not a strength. The truth is emotions and rational are both very important and having a good balance is probably the best way to live
It’s true that keeping in control of your emotions is important for your well-being, but also learning that you need to let it go at times. Great post, thank you for giving me something to reflect on.
I realize depression is often a seemingly unbreakable cycle of negative thoughts. I believe that just like our physical muscles, our mental muscles can be worked out as well. Positive thinking and retraining thought patterns when they enter the mind can be a very healing practice.
This is interesting! I am more on a realistic person but I’d love to learn how to balance it.
I am surprised you consider the world sensible and the rational world. It isn’t sensible or rational, its chaotic and nonsensical